Staff and children at the children’s home are overjoyed after being judged outstanding in their latest Ofsted inspection.
After previously being judged outstanding since 2017, The Hawthorns was deemed to be outstanding in all areas for the forth time.
The reported highlighted how children ‘benefit from care that is finely tuned to meet their needs from a committed staff team’.
A social worker commented for the inspection, ‘They are very warm towards him. [They] care about him and want the best for him.’
The report highlighted how the children are helped to actively contribute to their community in meaningful ways and there were, ‘inspirational examples’ of this over the last year, including buying Christmas presents for local children, fundraising events, writing kindness cards to residents in a care home, and making donations to a local food back and homeless charity.
After being informed the Registered Manager, Dotty Clark, was overwelled with the news. ‘This was my first inspection, as the manager of the Children’s Home and to achieve the outstanding judgement for the forth time is credit to the children and the staff at the home.’
Katie Stephens, Head of Service, said, ‘ we are delighted for Dotty and the staff at Hawthorns and we want to sing from the rooftops the excellent care that continues to be achieved at the home’.