Feedback from Michael Bamber

My Name is Michael and I have been loved and supported by my team at Aroona to overcome and cope with health difficulties over the past year. I had an operation at Alder Hey to remove my Gall Bladder on 23rd July 2019 and I proved to everybody how brave I am.
Whilst in hospital for a long period of time, the home arranged for my friends and teachers to visit me from school (and I still managed to make them all laugh). I had the nurses is stitches as-well because I knew that’s what they were going to do to me. All of the staff and my social worker came to visit me and I also made them all laugh by face-timing from the hospital.
I have returned to school and the home has received excellent reports about me. When I got back to Aroona I was very surprised to see my bedroom had been decorated with banners and garlands and I also have lots of sensory lighting. I used to have to have medication to help me sleep but the staff have managed to wean me off this and I no longer need it. Everybody is very proud of how I have progressed with my behaviours and I feel very loved and cared for at Aroona and I know this is a big reason why I feel settled and happy.
Managers Comment:
Michael has exceeded everybody’s expectations and he is a loving, wonderful, caring & cheeky character. Michael used to struggle with interacting with members of staff and would only respond to a minimal amount. Michael now interacts positively with the whole of the staff team and incidents are non-existent. Aroona would not be the same without our brave little soldier!
Steve Doody: Registered Manager